
by Nicholas C. Prata

Enter the gritty and dangerous world of Pangaea in this prequel to Nick Prata's novel, Dream of Fire. Fleeing from an unforgivable crime, young Livios Rapax joins the ruthless Black Legion. Using his God-given talents in the service of evil, Livios soon rises through the ranks--but at what cost to his soul?

. . .

Experience the gritty and dangerous world of Pangaea in Nicholas Prata's masterful novel, Kerebos and it's climactic companion, Dream of Fire. With the power of Korenthis in eclipse, the wastes of Pangaea are terrorized by the raw, merciless might of the Black Legion. All fear them. None dare resist them. They coerce fealty, exact harsh tribute, and leave charred destruction in their path. To keep up their strength, they forcibly recruit the biggest, fastest, sturdiest young men and brutally mold them into heartless killers. All Pangaea longs for the day when the power of the accursed Legion is finally broken.

From Publisher web page Arx Publishing


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