Windswept House

by Malachi Martin

  General / Favorable Reviews
  Critical Reviews
  Fascinating! *****

In a radio interview, Malachi Martin said this book was about 85% true, and that he changed only the names and certain identifying particulars, for obvious reasons. In that same interview, Father Martin was asked if he feared for his life since writing this book. Father Martin said he did, but that he was too old to change his ways. Since then, Father Martin died under very suspicious circumstances. He was found unconscious and bleeding in his home with hard wood fragments imbedded in his skull. He was taken to the hospital, and eventually woke from his coma for an instant and said it was a murder attempt, but he didn't get a chance to see who did it. Then he fell back into his coma, received the sacrament of Extreme Unction, and died. If you read this book, you'll know why his enemies couldn't let him live. He blew the lid off the satanic cabal in the church, and he even went so far as to describe their black mass in detail. As a prolific exorcist, he knew a lot more than most about Freemasons, Satanists, and the communists in the Vatican. The Church is in crisis, with a war between the good guys and the bad . . . and if you ever doubt it then just check the news and ask yourself why so many murders have occurred recently in the Vatican.




  So-So ***

Although well written, and replete with moments and aspects chilling in their believability, "Windswept House" nevertheless leaves a great deal to be desired. First, the book is too long (by at least 150 pages, I would say) and becomes almost hopelessly bogged down toward the middle. Indeed, although I'm glad I finished it, I was sorely tempted to chuck it all at around the halfway point. There are too many characters, and too many secondary and tertiary events and encounters. And the redundancies! How many times must the reader slog his way through essentially the same meetings and discussions among amazingly articulate and evil cardinals and their secular allies?

As a staunch Catholic, I can say that while some of Malachi Martin's criticisms of the current state of the Church and of our beloved Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, are on target, he paints too bleak a picture. Moreover, while the power of the Church is inarguable, I never bought into his contention that de-Catholicizing it would ensure absolute power to the New World Order. Even if the Church could be rendered impotent (which I don't believe), what about the enormous and entrenched influence of Christian Fundamentalists and Muslims? They're antithetical to the NWO, and yet Father Martin never addresses them.

As other reviewers have commented, the ending of "Windswept House" is distinctly ambivalent. No criticism can be leveled here, as Father Martin died prior to his writing the planned sequel. It says something about my attitude toward this book that I would have picked up the sequel -- but I would have braced myself before doing so.









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